The Cock Inn, Diss:
Good Food, Good Drink and Good Company.
Good Food, Good Drink and Good Company.
02nd Jul
With the pub reopening on 4th July we will be delighted to welcome back customers old and new. As you will all be aware pubs are not quite the same as when we left them back in March so we ask you all to be understanding and patient. As much as we will all be happy to get back in the pub our prime consideration is the health and safety of our staff, customers and the wider community.
With this in mind we will be having outside drinking only to start with, limited numbers to avoid overcrowding and help maintain social distancing and reduced opening hours. There will be no lunch service for the time being.
If you are planning a trip to the pub, to meet government guidelines, you will have to provide us with a name and contact details which will be held for 21 days and then destreyed, this is to assist the governments track and trace.
This will not only be a new way for you to visit the pub but also a new way for the staff to operate, so again we ask you all for patience and remember to respect other customers and staff and act in an appropriate manner and make going back to the pub an enjoyable experience for all